
Julien Fournié and PUBG MOBILE: a premiere in Haute Couture

video games

“I have always loved video games. To me, they are an inspiration on the same level as movies, cartoons, or manga.” This is how Julien Fournié considers these new means of entertainment: not just as a game, but as an art form. “Of course, I also remember playing in my teen age years with the very first screen games like Space Invaders,” he adds. Since then, video games have evolved both technically and creatively. “After Haute Couture shifted to digital in July 2020, we met Hylink France, a digital marketing agency, most famous in Asia. They confirmed with our team that video games have been growing on social platforms.”

As videogames can be seductive for luxury brands aiming to reach a new generation, Fournié figured he would try to integrate his Haute Couture aesthetics. “The first online meeting with the PUBG MOBILE creative team proved extremely fruitful and completely respectful of my inspirations and input.” …

… And in turn, players can now enjoy and rediscover Haute Couture and its tradition of elegance and creativity in an entirely new dimension.